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The Tale of Eliana the Entrepreneur

Eliana needs a low-cost, flexible ecommerce website that can be made to look funky!

  • This is Eliana. Eliana is an entrepreneur. Her latest business makes the funkiest phone covers available.
  • Eliana has lots of costs and very little to spend on building an ecommerce website.
  • Cheap ecommerce platforms don't give Eliana flexibility for search or categorisation and there are lots of phones! Eliana is stressed.
  • This is the I-Next team. I-Next have an Ecommerce Site Pattern for their I-ntarsia Platform which has terrific flexibility.
  • Eliana likes the site pattern, the flexibility AND the budget! BUT she wants the site to look funkier.
  • I-Next introduces Eliana to Terry, the Graphic Designer.
  • Terry makes the site look as funky as Eliana wants.
  • Eliana is happy that her new venture has a funky looking, professional ecommerce website, within her tight budget.
  • Eliana is very happy that the site can be developed to any scale as her venture grows.
  • Terry is happy and hopes to get more work from Eliana.
  • I-ntarsia Ecommerce Site Patterns are ideal for start-ups and others on tight budgets but they don't compromise or lock customers in!
  • Be happy … and free!!

