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Email Hosting - I-nMail

Replace Gmail, Microsoft OWA, Apple Mail etc. with your own
private, cloud-based, 100% renewables powered email service

We host customer's email services so that they can be:

  • Independent and sure of who has access to the mail their customers send in
  • Using state-of-the-art groupware and calendaring applications
  • Secured with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC so that their emails can be delivered to even the most secure customers
  • Supported by experts that they can talk to
  • Upgraded without internal effort
  • Powered by 100% renewable energy

We have two email options:

Shared Tenancy

We can transfer your domain to one of our shared tenancy servers. This is the lowest cost method of setting up your email service.

You still benefit from:

  • our security expertise to ensure that your email scores 10/10 for deliverability
  • daily backup
  • the ability for your users to use whatever device based access tools they wish to (Outlook, Apple Mail etc)
  • your own domain management system for email accounts
  • seamless transfer of stored email and contact lists
  • mail server upgrades
  • private webmail and calendaring options
  • entirely UK based infrastructure

There's a base charge and then per Gigabyte of dedicated storage per month.  As the number of accounts and amount of storage grows we will discuss with you the economic benefit of moving to a sole tenancy hosted email service.

Sole Tenancy

For our sole tenancy service, our customers get the same flexibility as our shared tenancy customers but we build and manage an email service specifically for your business. This means that you can:

  • have a custom mail server name and address
  • have dedicated backups
  • enjoy the level of performance your budget allows
  • add user accounts at no additional cost

Sole tenancies are charged according to the scale of the server resources required.

Track Record

Our team has been hosting email services for our select customer base since 1995. Our longest current email client joined us more than 20 years ago. If you want someone to take care of your email, please get in touch.


We think that our entry-level service can handle between 2 and 200 users. You may be able to accommodate slightly more or slightly less depending upon use patterns. 

Scaling a service up to meet your specific requirements is a straightforward process and is only really limited by your budget.


Our email hosting service is provided on either s shared tenancy of sole tenancy basis. The decision on which you use is based upon the number of users you expect. The privacy provisions for both are to the highest standards with access restricted to the same, small, I-Next team.


We have developed a process to undertake seamless updates for your service with little or no downtime. Mail services are updated weekly with new core software, threat maps, and anti-spam provisions.  All email customers have at least two mail servers assigned so that whilst one updates the other can process or queue mail so that there is no effective downtime.


Your service will be secured to our exacting standards. Our service includes:

  • SPF set up
  • DKIM signatures
  • DMARC policy
  • MTA-STS policy hosting

Every email domain we host is monitored through a client account at and we expect to achieve and A or A+ rating depending upon your DNS capabilities.

An A+ rating from for the domain


A daily, holistic backup of your service will be taken, encrypted and stored at a secure remote location to ensure that you don't lose any critical business records.
