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Domain Registration

Poor domain registration ...
ruins digital enterprises

Not all domain registration is the same. Easy and cheap might sound appealing when you are starting out but they can cause a massive liability once you've started to reap some rewards from your digital success. That is why we offer domain registration as a courtesy service to clients ... we do it properly. You'll be able to buy a few pounds cheaper, but you won't be able to buy better service anywhere in the world.

Here's some things you meed to consider when you are registering a domain.

Domain Ownership

One-stop shops, bulk/very low cost providers and even some agencies often register the domain in their name and then 'allow' you to use it on the services they provide for you. That is not the same as you owning it, even if you've paid a registration fee. Untangling that mess when you are a successful digital business can be a nightmare, so avoid it.

We always register domain ownership to the end customer or their designated contact.

Operational Security

There is a standard way to secure the information that is served about your domain. It is called DNSSEC. This standard requires that the registrar inserts some records into their systems to validate your domain's security. Very cheap providers rarely have the capability to do this and if they do, they can charge inflated fees for it. 

We do this as standard in all domain registrations and don't charge a penny extra for it.


If your domain is tied to an account with your email, website and everything else, it restricts your flexibility. Moving one service can cause the others to be affected. These are all separate services and should be managed independently to give the customer maximum flexibility.

We always treat domain registration independently from all of our other services. 

Advice - From a Human!

Yes, we talk to clients about the domain name options they have, the pros and cons of each and the ongoing costs. Imagine being able to discuss the options with someone who's been registering domains since 1995. For peace of mind, it beats checking a tick box, hitting a 'Buy Now' button and hoping for the best.


