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About Us

I-Next was founded in 1995 as a specialist web design agency. Initially focussing on technology companies and media, we were soon publishing some of the most prestigious electronics websites in the UK:

  • Electronics Weekly - HyperActive
  • The Institution of Electrical Engineers Forum and Professional Networks sites
  • GEC Plessey Semiconductors
  • CADServer
  • Cadence Europe

In working with these large companies and sites from such early days on the web we learned the fundamental principles of running leading online services.

In 2003 we launched a proprietary content management system (CMS) called I-ntarsia(tm). This system became popular with three types of businesses:

  • Creative and marketing agencies who need web expertise to complement their creative skills in delivering web content
  • Medium and large enterprises who need to deliver multiple websites and services across their brand base in a cost-effective manner
  • Vertical solutions providers who needed a flexible web platform to deliver specific web applications to larger clients

Working with these clients I-ntarsia has been used to create:

  • Multi-brand corporate and e-commerce sites
  • Award-winning Channel Sales Support programmes
  • Innovative web startups 
  • Corporate Reward and Recognition systems
  • Corporate Reward and Recognition and E-code promotion systems 
  • Long Service Award systems 
  • Pure-play e-commerce startups
  • Clicks and mortar e-commerce sites

In 2010 we adopted a 'work anywhere' approach for our business. We radically reduced our main office and allowed staff to work from wherever made sense for them. To support this we developed the skills required to:

  • run remote teams using online technology
  • collaborate remotely with customers and suppliers
  • break free of fixed infrastructure such as telephones
  • host mission-critical online services

Much of our development work was to support the interoperation of websites and key business systems. We successfully adopted a wide range of open source solutions in combination with developing our own management processes and deployment experience. 

We soon started offering the hosting of non-website-related services, such as private E-mail, as commercial services.

In 2016 we replaced our proprietary website CMS with the Drupal 8 open source CMS. This brought our main service offering into line with the other open-source services that we offer.

Today, we offer one of the most complete, cost-effective Drupal development and hosting platforms as well as a raft of other hosted services from E-mail to Identity Management. All of our services are available on a 14-day free trial basis.
