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I-ntarsia Site Patterns

Accelerate delivery, reduce risk and reduce costs with
I-ntarsia Site Patterns™

Our I-ntarsia Site Patterns™ are complete packaged websites to be used to accelerate the development and deployment of your customer sites. They are completely customisable in terms of look feel and content, but packed with enterprise level features.

Where To Use

Our site patterns can be used in the following circumstances:

  • On a tight timescale: If the website is needed fast, starting from a site pattern is a great way to accelerate things. All of the tedious set up stuff is done, site builders can dive straight into structure and content. Once the basic colour palette and branding has been added as we roll out the pattern, site builders can get to a demonstrable site in a matter of an hour or so.
  • On a tight budget: If the financials are tight then starting from a site pattern is a great way to keep the costs to a minimum. Removing the need to set up and test every feature of a site means that site builders are super efficient which can dramatically reduce the cost of a project.
  • To solve a common problem: Application specific patterns contain all of the features required to solve the problem the pattern was designed for. What's more, as the pattern develops for new use cases new features can be retrofitted to existing websites.
  • For product/service/business trials: Where a site is needed for some market research or to trial a product or service, all of the three previous points probably apply, making starting with a site pattern a great route forward.


Every I-ntarsia Site Pattern has the following advantages over other entry level website systems:

Open all Close all

An I-ntarsia Site Pattern delivers a fully functional website with example content already loaded.

You don't have to start from a scratch!

Focus on the content and structure, not the plumbing.

The site pattern is delivered with an accessible colour palette based upon a logo or other corporate guidelines. We will also specify typefaces and fonts as required by your guidelines. 

Landing pages in the site pattern are created using slices that can be ordered and reordered as required. 

  • 6 Page types
  • 19 Slice types

Using these building blocks it is easy to create a specific user experience for the site.

Solve the problem of keeping social media updated with an integrated social posting library.

  • Create and manage social media content in one, private place
  • Schedule posts and reposts as required
  • Drive traffic to the website

Our site patterns are optimised to score highly on Google's Lighthouse analysis. This means site users get a lightning fast interactive experience as well as great search listings. This is a core part of any technical SEO, so it's nice to have it out-of-the-box!

This goes without saying, but based on questions we've had ... we have had to say it!

Our site patterns work across all common devices (phones, tablets, desktops) and browsers. They are built with SASS to enable us to quickly support anything new that comes along.

The site has built in SEO tools ready for you to use, including  a checklist process and white paper to make sure you're getting the site off to the best start. 

Our site pattern are only delivered after they pass online online WAVE Accessibility tests. Accessibility is not an add-on, it is built into the foundations of the site pattern.

You can have whatever colour pallette you need but our site patterns have been developed to be planet friendly:

  • Built in 'dark mode' switch
  • Hosted on 100% renewable energy powered cloud infrastructure here in the UK

Because the site pattern is delivered in our I-ntarsia Website Management platform it benefits from the following growth support features:

  • 240 modules available with a click
  • New features and modules added on a continuous basis
  • Automatic, free updates to new Drupal versions

If we mess up, or something else requires the site to be moved, it can be. There's no lock-in here. 

The site is in Drupal, one of the most popular content management systems on the planet. This means that it can be moved to almost any hosting available and maintained by a whole community of developers.

Generic Site Patterns

We have the following 'generic' site patterns for client sites:

* The features and functions of the ecommerce site patterns are identical other than the treatment of VAT. If you need to show VAT in your transaction path you need the Business version

Application Specific Variants

We have the following 'application' specific site patterns for client sites:
